How a Simple 10-Minute "Soup Ritual" Melted Away 55lbs of Raw Fat in Months WITHOUT Counting Calories Or Skipping Meals

Discover How Men & Women Over 45 Are Burning Belly Fat Like Crazy With a NEW Soup Secret That:

  • Fat Melts OFF 900% Faster
  • You'll Cut Your Appetite, Stimulate Metabolism & Rapidly Melt Belly Fat
  • There's No Stress, Confusion, or Any "Diet Math"...
  • Jumpstarts Fast Weight Loss
  • Folks Are Losing 15, 34, Even 52 Pounds Or More With a Simple Approach That Works For Any Age

"This is the Fastest I've Ever Lost Weight in My Life!" - Cheryl Chill, Sioux Falls, SD

Folks over 45 are losing weight like crazy thanks to a diet of detox soups so powerful…

They melt away up to 10lbs every 10 days, and…

Two jean sizes in just two weeks.

What’s the secret?

You literally flood your system with nutrient-compounds proven to satisfy your hunger and burn belly fat.

But that’s just the beginning.

A huge bowl of these waist-slimming soups has about 500 fewer calories than an ordinary home cooked meal…

And 1,000 (or more!) fewer calories than takeout.

That means you can easily lose up to 52lbs of pure, raw fat THIS year without exercising or skipping meals.

According to Dr. Elson Haas…

Soup meals ensure extra liquid gets into our systems, which helps flush away bloat.

If you’re poorly hydrated, you can be carrying up to 10 pounds of “false fat”.

And after those first 10 pounds melt away in the first week or two, the real magic happens.

That’s because each soup is packed with NEW nutrient-compounds proven to heal your body and melt off extra fat.

Every day, university researchers discover a new benefit.

For starters, thylakoids act as fat blockers and are linked to 43% faster weight loss.

Mean, flavonoids flush stomach fat and help improve blood sugar.

Toxins end up embedded in fat tissue, and that fat becomes very difficult to lose”, says Dr. Haas…

“As they’re released, “unburnable” fat can also be released.”

That’s why it’s common to see women in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s losing twenty pounds or more in a matter of weeks…

And up to 65lbs in a matter of months.

It’s like finally letting go of the parking brake on your belly fat.

Just know, all soup is NOT created equal…

In fact, most soups are packed with hidden ingredients that trigger cravings and make your belly bigger.

And they don’t have these NEW nutrient-compounds that need to be combined in exact right way so you can slim down faster than you ever have before.

"The Combination of Ingredients Really Made My Metabolism Speed Up" -Terri, 65

"I don't cook much, so I tried diets with pre-packaged foods and frozen dinners."

They didn't work.

Discovering this new soup ritual, she was instantly hooked.

"It's so easy, delicious and filling.

And the combination of ingredients really made my metabolism speed up.

In the first 14 days I lost 15 pounds.

Now I'm down 65 pounds...

I feel amazing...

And it's the fastest I've ever lost weight!"

*Results May Vary. Typical loss is 1 to 2lbs a week

Here's Why This 10-Minute Soup Secret Works So Well

A recent PSU study found that eating these new soups can cut your hunger...

So that you consume up to 448 fewer calories PER MEAL.

If you do the math...

That means you could lose up to 15.5 pounds every single month without ever feeling hungry or unsatisfied.

Imagine the fat just melting off your belly...

Without having to go on another crash diet or ever step foot in a gym.

Just from making this simple food swap.

So if you tried counting calories...


More veggies...

High protein...


Exercising more...

Relying on willpower...

And NONE of them seem to ever work...

Then it's time to try something new...

...that's worked for over 21,000 women and men across the world already...

To flatten your belly...

And melt away fat like crazy.

Want To Lose More Weight?

Just Eat More Soup

And no, I'm not talking about cabbage soup, or vegetable soup, or any of those other horrible tasting soups that don't fill you up and basically starve you to death.

I'm talking REAL, hearty, delicious, comforting soups that you actually look forward to eating as the weather gets colder and you want to warm your body up.

Here's why it works so well...

New research shows you can get full and satisfied 448 calories SOONER than normal eating this soups.


Because the combination of solid foods in liquid broth tricks your tummy until feeling full much sooner than normal.

It's a 1-2 punch that's almost impossible to fail...

Because as the liquid broth fills up your belly...

It sends signals all throughout your body that you're feeling full.

But here's the real trick...

The solid food in the soup gives your body the nutrients it needs...

So you STAY full for 3, 4 even 5 hours or more at a time.

Most "Weight Loss Soups" FAIL Because They're Just Broth and Veggies

The Cabbage Soup Diet was super popular, but the only reason it worked because the soups were just liquid and cabbage, which is really low calorie.

Yet the problem is that's NEVER going to fill you up.

You're going to be constantly hungry, miserable and CRAVING food.

However, when you use specific "filling foods" in your soups, you get full sooner and STAY full longer...

Which increases fat-burning, decreases your chances of binging, and when the weight starts melting off...'ll easily be able to stick with it because all you're doing is eating delicious soups.

Mary Shed 82 Pounds & Got Her Life Back

Struggling with migraines and no energy, Mary read about how changing her diet might help.

While looking for convenient meal options, she hit on these new soups.

"I cook a couple of big pots and they last me for an entire week!

Soup just became a big staple. 

I love it, it's easy and it keeps me so full I rarely want snacks."

82 pounds later, she hasn't had a migraine in five years.

"It's not just that I look and feel so much better, this way of eating gave me my life back!"

*Results May Vary. Typical loss is 1 to 2lbs a week

Just Picture Yourself Enjoying A Warm, Yummy Bowl of Soup For Lunch & Dinner - That's All the "Work" You Have To Do

You made a big pot over the weekend, so you didn't even have to do any work.

You just heated up a bowl and started enjoying it with a bunch of melted cheese on top.

You can easily take it into work with you, or enjoy it at home.

When dinner time rolls around...

You're not starring in the fridge, wondering what to make.

You can either just heat up another yummy bowl of soup...

Or make a different soup for more variety...

After All, They Only Take 10 Minutes To Make

And these aren't your same boring ol' soups.

I'm talking about Macaroni & Cheese Soup with bacon...

Potato soup...

Broccoli & Cheddar...

Double Chicken Noodle...

Hearty beef stew...

Taco soup...

Turkey Lasagna soup...

You name it.

After a few days, you're already feeling lighter.

The scale is going down for the first time in forever...

But this time is different...

Because you're not struggling, you're not forcing yourself to go to the gym, you're not obsessing over calories or cutting out entire food groups.

All You Have To Do Is Eat These NEW Soups - That's It


You just have to eat the RIGHT soups, and...

Before you know it, you're back down to your high school weight...

You have so much more energy that EVERYTHING on your to-do list is getting crossed off every day.

You finally have the time and energy for hobbies, playing with your kids or grandkids, your marriage sparks and starts to come alive again...

You feel amazing, incredible, like you're 20 years younger and your confidence is soaring through the roof.

All because of one simple change that anyone can do, no matter your age, genetics, family history or your current physical condition.

The 10-Minute Slimming Soup Secret

According to Dr. Mark Hyman...

"You'll cut your appetite...

Stimulate metabolism...

Release fat from fat cells...

And significantly improve your overall well-being."

Even better...

There's nothing to track...

You don't have to count calories or watch serving sizes...

Or do any other type of "diet math".

You just follow the ritual and listen to your body.

That's it.

The Magic Of These New Slimming Soups

Hi, my name is Josh.

And as I mentioned earlier, my father passing away turned my life upside down.

On top of that, my mom's health started taking a turn for the worse shortly after...

And my best way to cope was to eat.

That's probably because I grew up as the "fat kid" and at my heaviest I was over 300lbs.

Food has always been there for me when life was hard and unfair...

So I slipped into old patterns when I saw my parents unfairly being taken away from me way too soon.

Yet when I was at my lowest...

With my own health taking a turn for the worse...

I stumbled upon this simple soup ritual that literally saved my life.

Along with hundreds of other women and men around the world.

Like Gabrielle, Who Lost 15lbs in 21 Days By Simply Eating More Soup

*Results May Vary. Typical loss is 1 to 2lbs a week

The Secret Behind These Simple Slimming Soups

They use little-known ingredients and garnishes to trigger fat burn, calm inflammation, and increase fat loss by up to 300%.

Don’t worry, I’ll give you the entire list in just a minute and explain WHY each one works in detail.

That way you can use them at home as soon as tonight.

But the real reason they work is because they unclog an overworked detox system in the body that affects 80% of women over 40.

This detox system is a complex network of capillaries and vessels that help the body flush out fat..

And when it’s backed up, it leads to fat piling up on the body.

So it’s not about eating fewer calories…

Or skipping meals…

Or eating less…

None of those matter if your internal detox system is slow, sluggish, sludgy.

So today, we’re going to fix it.

However, I Have to Warn You

What you're about to discover is extremely controversial...

It has nothing to do with eating more veggies...

Exercising more...

Or cutting back on calories.

And Big Pharma doesn't want you reading any of this...

Because if you find an easy and natural way to lose as much weight as you desire...

Then you won't have any need for their prescription medications...

That line their pockets and make them millions.

So please, take just a minute or two to read through this letter...

Because what I'm about to share with you will not only transform your body...

It'll drastically change your entire life.

By the Way, My Name Is Josh

I'm not a personal trainer...

I'm not a dietician...

And I'm definitely not a doctor.

I'm just a normal guy from the south who loves his wife and wants to give her the best life I possibly can.

But our world came crashing down when she had to start taking care of me.

Because after my dad died...

And my mom went into assisted living because she couldn't take care of herself anymore...

I had to pick up the slack.

I Was Taking Care Of My Ailing Mom 24/7

It was stressful, I didn't know how much longer she was going to be with us...

And with my dad already passing, my life and my family was crumbling around me.

Then COVID got me...

And I wound up in the hospital with an infection in my lungs...

It was spreading so fast...

After a few weeks, the nurse had my wife come in and say her last goodbyes...

Because they didn't think I was going to make it.

By the Grace of God I Somehow Lived To See Another Day

When I was finally discharged from the hospital...

I was so weak and so helpless...

That my wife was taking care of me full time when she wasn't working.

I knew it was taking a toll on her...

Because I could barely get out of bed on my own...

And as a man and a husband, I felt hopeless...

I could barely look her in the eye...

Because I felt like I was failing her...

Failing our family...

Because all of my burdens were falling on her shoulders.

Thank god she stuck with me...

And held our family together through our toughest time ever

After a Few Months I Had Put On Over 50 Pounds & My Blood Pressure Was Through the Roof

I started getting flashbacks to when I was a kid.

Growing up, I was known as the "chubby kid" at school.

Kids wouldn't sit with me on the bus...

They threw food at me during lunch...

And were just so mean and nasty...

Calling me names and making fun of me all the time...

...simply because of my weight.

I went in for a checkup a few months later...

And my doctor broke the bad news...

I was over 250 pounds...

My blood pressure and cholesterol were through the roof...

I was on the verge of Type 2 diabetes...

And my levels of visceral fat, which is the the most dangerous type of fat around your heart and organs...

...was unusually high.

The Missing Link

90% of Women and Men Over 45 Lack a Crucial Nutrient That Shuttles Fat From the Liver Out of the Body

If you've ever tried any type of diet or detox...

Then you know the drill.

You're excited at the beginning...

A few pounds start to melt off...

And then, if you're like me, you get stuck and stalled...

The weight STOPS coming off...

And you're left more confused than ever.

It turns out...

Most Traditional Diets and Detoxes Only Do HALF the Job

They start unlocking fat and toxins from a clogged liver...

However, they don't flush these particles from your system.

That means this fatty sludge ends up right back in your liver...

Stalling your body's main fat-burning organ...

And eventually the fat piles right back up around your belly, hips and thighs...

While you stay saddled with the extra weight.

Your extra fat has no where to go...

And so it stays in your body instead of being burned off.

An Estimated 90% of Women & Men Over 45 Have a Congested Liver That Dumps Fat Into Your Belly, Hips & Thighs

According to health guru Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D...

"Your liver has over 500 different jobs...

Many of them crucial to making a woman look and feel her best."

When you're fatigued or gaining weight, it usually means your liver is struggling.

And when you stall and can't lose weight...

It's because your fat gets trapped and can't be burned off fast enough...

So it gets trapped.

As These Fat Deposits Build Up Around Your Belly, Butt & Thighs...

Your liver function slows down...

And your metabolism tanks.

The worst part is...

The impact of all this usually leaves people too exhausted to make positive, healthy changes.

That's why so many people try diet after diet...

Yet barely any of them actualxly work long term.

Because if you just focus on cutting back on calories...

Or eliminating carbs...

Your body still isn't getting the nutrients it needs to shuttle the excess fat out of your body...

You just end up losing some water weight in the beginning...

And then your weight plateaus...

While you feel hungrier than ever...

And so you blame yourself and your lack of "discipline"...

When the truth is...

You're simply not getting the right mix of nutrients...

That pull the extra fat out of your fat cells...

And burn it off for good.

How Do You Know If a Congested Liver Is To Blame?

(Do This 10-Second Self-Test)

  1. Do you have more than 5 pounds of fat on your belly?

2. Are you often exhausted by the end of the day?

3. Do most diets fail when you try them?

4. Have you ever experienced brain fog?

5. Is it constantly a struggle just to lose a few pounds and keep them off?

When you do lose weight, does it come right back on when you start eating normal foods again?

Have you tried low-carb diets and even those don't work?

These signs all point to a congested liver.

Most people think liver problems are only related to alcohol, however...

It's Your #1 Fat-Burning Organ Yet EVERYONE Ignores It

And since it has over 500 different jobs...

It can get backed up VERY fast...

And when it does...

Your body STOPS burning fat no matter how hard you try...

Leading fat storage to double or sometimes even triple...

Without you having any clue what's going on.

The good news is...

This Simple Slimming Soup Ritual Cleans Out a Congested Liver to Rapidly Melt Belly Fat

When you eat more of these specific soups that support your body, it reduces toxin buildup and allows more fluid to be pumped through the body...

Often in as little as 10 days.

Basically, the nutrients in these new soups "handcuff" fat particles and escorts them out of the body.

So you release more stubborn belly fat...

Without skipping meals or exercising.

This doesn't happen when you follow a traditional diet or detox...

Because those simply focus on cutting back on calories...

Which can help you lose water weight in the short term...

But when it comes to burning pure, raw fat...

Your body needs to shuttle these fat particles out of your body...

And get rid of them for good.

Jonathan Lost 10 Pounds in the First Week Eating These New Slimming Soups

*Results May Vary. Typical loss is 1 to 2lbs a week

And He Went On To Lose 40lbs Overall

*Results May Vary. Typical loss is 1 to 2lbs a week

These 3 "Master Minerals" Unclog a Congested Liver To Speed Up Fat Burn

Now that you know a clogged liver keeps stubborn pounds on your body...

Let's talk about exactly what you should do to get this fixed.

After my doctor dumped all this new information on me...

I started studying cases where people successfully reversed their clogged livers and started losing 10-27 pounds a month.

And the one pattern I noticed through all the cases were an abundance of these three minerals in their diet.

That's the first step, start adding foods rich in these "master minerals" right away.

Master Mineral #1: Glutathione

According to bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman...

He dubbed glutathione as the body's "master detoxifier".

That's because it "completes" the body's detoxification process to ensure slimming.

"The magic lies in it's sticky sulfur-like properties", says Dr. Hyman.

"It acts like fly paper, and all the bad things in the body stick to it...

And get flushed out of your system."

It's the secret no one is talking about when it comes to flushing out pesky pounds.

And according to expert Nayan Patel...

"More glutathione equals more fat burning".

It's Main Job Is To Ferry Trapped Fat Out of the Body

According to Patel...

"Boosting your body's levels of glutathione is the best way to detox and lose weight."

In fact...

Baylor College of Medicine research discovered that increasing glutathione levels improves cellular fat burn by 104%...

And reduces liver fat by 63%.

What happens is...

Rock-hard fat deposits that store toxins start to become soft...

As they break down and are flushed away.

When this happens...

Your body can finally start burning off the stubborn fat that's been stuck in your fat cells for weeks, months or even years...

It's like finally breaking open the vault that leads to easy slimming...

A flatter belly...

And way more energy.

On top of that...

In a Greek Study, Participants With High Glutathione Levels Lost 60% More Weight Than Those With Low Levels

The problem is...

While we were both with plenty of glutathione in our bodies...

Those levels fall by half by the age of 45...

And they continue to dip every year after.

In fact, experts believe 90% of us have chronically low levels.

According to Patel...

"The downturn in glutathione production as we grow older contributes to newfound pounds."

That decline hits even harder...

Because we live in a world with constantly-increasing amounts of free radicals...

Thanks to stress, pollution and processed food.

Patel adds, "The greater the assault on your body...

The greater the chance you will max out your glutathione stores."

Which leads to fatigue...

Low immunity...

Brain fog...

And weight gain.

Master Mineral #2: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are really important when it comes to losing belly fat, however...

Most of us aren't getting nearly enough of them.

You see...

Omega 3's are known to increase glutathione production...

And recent research shows that they can help women lose up to 56% more belly weight.

Now, when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off...

Omega 3's help balance your leptin levels.

Leptin is a hormone that basically tells you when you're full.

If you never quite feel satisfied after a meal...

Then your leptin level is too low and somewhere out in left field.

Higher leptin levels are the ticket to speed up slimming...

And when this hormone is signaling correctly...

It'll actually decrease your appetite.

Master Mineral #3: Chromium

Chromium is the unsung hero when it comes to melting away belly fat, after all...

In a recent study...

Body fat loss increased by 950% in people who used chromium.

Even better...

According to a study from Georgetown University...

Women who got the daily recommended amount of chromium...

Lost 84% of their weight from pure fat.

The mineral literally mimicked results normally achieved only by resistance training and cardio workouts.

According to the study's author, Dr. Harry Preuss...

"With enough chromium...

Less sugar is stored as fat...

And excess fat can be burned as fuel."

Plus, since chromium helps you fight off cravings and fat storage...

You can slim down faster, and...

The women in the study who received enough chromium kept experiencing fat loss for 8 weeks AFTER the study ended.

Unfortunately, 99% of women today are deficient in chromium, which is why...

Most tend to lose a little weight and then put it right back on.

Or they struggle to lose weight in the first place.

This New Soup Ritual Peeled Off 18lbs in the First 10 Days

After discovering all this new information, I have to admit...

I was a bit overwhelmed.

I was learning about all these nutrients and minerals...

Which is kind of confusing when you're used to obsessing over calories and diet foods.

This was a whole new way of thinking about it.

As I was about to leave...

My doctor pulled out a pocket-sized notebook from his desk drawer...

"Follow this", he said.

"It's a soup diet I use for all my clients who need to lose weight really fast for health reasons.

Trust me, it works wonders.

And it's so simple...

There's no counting calories or measuring portion sizes....

The Soup Does All The Hard Work For You

That night, I poured over the soup diet...

All the ingredients were packed with glutathione...

Omega 3's...


And so much more.

It seemed easy enough...

And I had most of the ingredients already...

So the next day, I started making soup.

Honestly, the recipes were so easy...

I didn't think they'd actually taste good.

I figured they'd all be watered down and taste like nothing.

When I Made My First Bowl, Something Amazing Happened

It was delicious!

I'm a horrible cook...

But I even surprised myself...

It was so warm and creamy...

While also filling and satisfying.

That's when I was hooked.

I woke up early the next morning...

And I was already down 2 pounds.

It was probably just water weight...

So I kept on going.

And that's when my body really started to change.

By the Weekend I Was Down 7 Pounds

Just a week later...

I lost another 10 pounds...

And I could slide my jeans on without even unbuttoning them at the waist.

I could see my belly starting to flatten out...

I had so much more energy, I was checking everything off my To-Do list before noon...

...when it used to take me DAYS.

I had a smile on my face, my days were so much happier, and as corny as it sounds...

I was back to LOVING life.

I couldn't wait to get out of bed in the morning...

I went 17 days in a row WITHOUT hitting my snooze or waking up late...

These 10-Minute Soups Were Transforming My Body So Fast

I felt like I was 23 again...

My body was moving in ways it NEVER had before...

No pain...

No knee aches...

And my back wasn't stiff or achy anymore.

I could get in and out of my car without grunting or feeling any tweaks...

My mind felt sharper...

Like the clouds finally lifted...

I was more focused...

And most important of all...

I was way more present with my wife when we were together...

She said I was turning into the husband she always imagined when we were standing at the altar nearly a decade ago.

I felt like I was ON FIRE - in a good way...

Over The Next 60 Days, Something Completely Unexpected Happened

I was down over 42 pounds...

I finally felt free...

Free of the judgements from other people...

Free from the self-judgements that had kept me isolated in my house for years...

I started meeting up with friends I hadn't seen in years...

Going out, laughing, and doing fun things together...

I went back to church...

And started going every Sunday morning...

I Felt Better Than I Did 20 Years Ago

I felt better than I did 20 years ago...

So I stuck with the soups...

Adding my own touches here and there to make them taste even better...

When all was said and done...

I lost over 92 pounds...

All my health markers were excellent...

And I left my doctor absolutely stunned.

Since these changes were happening so fast...

People started asking me what I was doing.

So I started sharing my version of the soup diet with anyone who wanted to give it a try.

Dodi Lost 20 Pounds When Nothing Else Worked For Her

*Results May Vary. Typical loss is 1 to 2lbs a week

Nicola Lost 43 Pounds and 19.5 Inches Of Raw Fat Off Her Belly, Waist & Thighs

*Results May Vary. Typical loss is 1 to 2lbs a week

The Secret to Melting Away Your Belly Fat

After seeing hundreds of women and men...

In their early 40's...

All the way to their mid 80's...

Getting amazing results with these new soups when nothing else worked for them...

I knew I was on to something big.

After all, if this worked for someone like me...

Who tried every diet under the sun for nearly 20 years...

Along with hundreds of other frustrated dieters...

Then I know without a doubt that it can work for you too.

Think about it...

Why Is It Always SO HARD To Get Results?

It's NOT Your Fault...

Have you ever gone on a diet that focused on soups packed with glutathione, chromium, and Omega 3's...

The three most powerful fat-burning nutrients that 90% of us are deficient in?

Of course you haven't...

Because most "diet" programs just focus on cutting back on calories...

Or eliminating carbs...

So you feel hungry and deprived all the time.

Now, you can eat as much as you want, and...

When I realized how powerful this soup cleanse was...

I knew I had to get it into the hands of as many people as possible.

That's Why I Organized All These Secrets Into an Easy to Use Done-For-You Protocol Called the 10-Minute Soup Detox

The 10-Minute Soup Detox is a simple rapid fat loss program...

Based on eating simple 10-minute soups that you can make right at home.

And they're so powerful...

Most people see a big difference in their belly within the first 48 hours.

I'm so excited to share these slimming soup secrets with more people just like you.

You see, after losing over 100 pounds myself, I vowed to help everyone I possibly can to get the slim, thin and healthy body you desire...

And the only way to do that was to package up all my secrets into an easy to use follow along system.

This brand NEW detox is designed specifically for women and men who love to eat, hate dieting, and want a flatter stomach without killing yourself at the gym or going on another crash diet.

If this sounds like you, then the 10-Minute Soup Detox is the answer you've been looking for.

The Problem With Most Soup Recipes Is...

They take FOREVER to make.

Seriously, you spend an hour chopping up all the vegetables...

Boiling water...

Peeling carrots...

It's not exactly something you can eat when you're hungry and want something fast.

That's why I created dozens of fat-burning soups...

That you can make right at home with normal ingredients (nothing organic or expensive)...

In just 10 minutes.

There Isn't Just One Magical Nutrient In These Soups


Thylakoids Act As Fat Blockers

Thylakoids are plant compounds that act as fat blockers...

And are linked to 43% faster weight loss.

The problem is...

Most of us aren't getting ANY in our diets these days...

Which is why slimming down can feel so hard.

Luckily, when you flood your body with thylakoids from these simple slimming soups...

You'll notice a difference in your belly within the first few days.

Flavonoids Help DOUBLE Your Weight Loss in Just One Week

According to a NEW breakthrough study from Harvard University...

That followed over 120,000 folks...

Those getting the most flavonoids DOUBLED their weight loss in just one week...

And actively resisted rebound weight gain for up to 6 months afterwards.

That's because flavonoids help suppress appetite...

Block fat absorption...

Improve blood sugar response...

And increase your fat-burning metabolism.

Plus, when you combine them with the fat-burning power of daily soups...

You can lose twice as much weight without any extra effort.

Detox Micronutrients Flush Out Toxins In Your Fat Tissue

Specific micronutrients found in these soups helps your body get rid of nasty toxins...

You see...

We're exposed to so many toxins these days...

From sources like low-quality food...


Chemicals and mold...

Even something as simple as tap water, and...

Because of this...

Our livers struggle to eliminate them in a timely manner.

Those toxins then end up getting stored in your fat tissue...

And that fat becomes very difficult to lose.

However, if you reduce your toxic load...

Through eating these soups...

It can set of a chain of chemical reactions...

That has your body easily burning off belly fat again.

Here's What You Get Today When You Pick Up Your Copy of the 10-Minute Fast Soup Detox

10-Day Fast Soup Detox

The 10-Day Fast Soup Detox is an easy-to-follow protocol designed to melt away your belly fat as fast as humanly possible without exercise...

All by using simple 10-minute soup recipes you can make right at home.

Within this protocol, you'll know exactly what to do for breakfast (no you won't be eating soup for breakfast lol), lunch, and dinner.

It's filled with fat-burning recipes, delicious soups, and mouth-watering meals that take the weight off without leaving you feeling hungry or deprived.

Even better...

You can eat as much as you want.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Within the first day or two, you'll feel your body shift into fat-burning mode...

And then with each day that passes, you'll see your belly start to disappear.

This plan is very easy to follow, you'll know exactly what to eat for each meal...

And all the soups are very simple to make.

Bonus #1 - Fat-Burning Comfort Soups Cookbook - $27 Value

There is NOTHING better than a big, warm bowl of comfort soup.

You know, the soups that bring you back to your childhood...

That taste absolutely delicious...

And feel like someone is wrapping you in their arms with each satisfying spoonful.

The problem is...

Most comfort soups are packed with calories and fat...

Which doesn't do your waistline any favors.

That's why I put together these delicious fat-burning comfort soups that you can have whenever you want... warm you up and flatten your belly.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bonus #2 - Fat-Burning Bread, Roll & Biscuit Recipes - $27 Value

I absolutely LOVE dipping bread in soup...

Whether it's French bread...

Garlic bread...

Or a buttery dinner roll.

The problem is...

Most bread is HORRIBLE for your waistline.

That's why I put together a new cookbook full of easy fat-burning bread recipes...

Just whip one up and it'll last you the ENTIRE week...

So you can enjoy thick, delicious slices of bread WITH your soup...

While still losing weight like crazy.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bonus #3 - Fat-Burning Low-Carb Soup Cookbook - $27 Value

There's no denying it..

You can lose A LOT of weight by going low carb.

The problem is...

You usually end up eating the same boring meals over and over again.

However, when it comes to soups...

You can make amazing, delicious low-carb soups in just minutes...

So you can melt away even more belly fat...

While enjoying these mouth-watering soups whenever you want.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bonus #4 - 10-Day Rapid Soup Detox Quick Start Guide - $17 Value

There's nothing worse than buying a new program only to have NO IDEA how to get started.

You're confused, you don't know where to start, and all your excitement quickly vanishes before you ever get started.

Unfortunately, that's all too common these days...

Which is why I created a specific and detailed Quick Start Guide...

So you know exactly what to do first...

How to get started...

What to buy at the grocery store...

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

And when the best time is to eat your meals (aka meal timing).

All of this is laid out for you in step-by-step detail.

And if you are confused or have questions, you can just shoot me an email and I'll answer them right away.

I'm here to help, I love hearing from those who trust in me enough to invest in one of my programs...

And I won't stop until you get the results you want.

Bonus #5 - Fat-Burning Slow Cooker Soups Cookbook - $27 Value

One thing that helped me lose a TON of weight, was...

My slow cooker.

Seriously, there's nothing better than taking 5 minutes to put some ingredients into your slow cooker...

And then just set it and forget it.

You come home from work and your kitchen smells amazing...

You don't have to spend the next hour making dinner...

You're not starring in the fridge wondering what to make...

You just let the slow cooker do ALL the hard work for you...

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

And then you and your family get to enjoy a warm, delicious meal.

That's why I put together a bunch of my favorite slow cooker soup recipes...

That taste great AND burn a lot of fat.

Talk about a game changer.

These 5 Bonuses Are Worth $125 But You Get Them FREE When You Pick Up The 10-Day Fast Soup Detox Today

I'm always hesitant to include bonuses for free, after all...

You can lose as much weight as you desire...

While completely flattening your belly...

With just the 10-Day Fast Soup Detox alone.

However, I want to make sure you have everything you could possibly need to succeed...

And I want you to have more variety than ever...

So you can not only lose the weight...

But keep it off this time.

You Can't Find These Fat-Burning Soup Secrets Anywhere Else

Unlike most "diet programs" out there...

That were created by a fitness model, doctor, or some trainer who's been in amazing shape their entire life...

I'm just like you.

I was overweight for over 20 years...

I tried EVERY trick in the book.

And while some of them worked in the short term...

None of them had the combination of fast results that also lasted the test of time.

That's why I'm so excited to share these brand new soup secrets with you.

The struggle is finally over...

It ends today...

Right here...

Right now.

As long as you know how to make a few simple soups...

And actually eat them each day...

Then I have no doubt that you can get amazing results with this program.


The 10-Day Fast Soup Detox is NOT For Everyone

Look, I truly believe I can help anyone with this program.

But the thing is...

You do actually have to follow the program.

You do have to make the soups...

There is a TINY amount of effort involved to get these amazing results.

So if you're looking for something to magically suck all the fat out of your body...

Without you lifting a finger...

Then I'm sorry...

But this program isn't for you.

However, if you don't mind making a few simple soups...

That anyone can make (even a horrible cook like me)...

And are also delicious, satisfying and filling...

Then you're just the type of person I want to help with this new soup protocol.

Don't Waste Your Hard-Earned Money On Expensive Gym Memberships, Personal Trainers or Complicated Diet Plans

You Can Get These New Slimming Soup Secrets at a Fraction of the Cost

It took me over 20 years to get my own health back on track...

And I burned through A LOT of money on dietitians...

Personal trainers who were 20 years younger than me and didn't understand how the female body works...

Expensive doctor visits that weren't covered by my insurance...

And that doesn't even count the mental stress and anxiety that being overweight caused me every single day.

In the end...

I easily spent over $10,000 trying to improve my health...

Without much to show for it.

And I don't want you to go down that same road.

Initially, my publishers wanted me to charge $175 for this complete system...

And since that's a tiny fraction of what I paid over the past 10 years...

I figured it was a fair price.

Especially since this will take the weight off MUCH faster without any of the exhaustive exercise.

Then I remembered why I wanted to do this in the first place...

And that's to help people who are struggling like I was.

That's why I decided to take $100 OFF the suggested price...

And another 70% off of that.

When you pick up your copy of the 10-Day Fast Soup Detox today...

Along with all 5 bonuses...

You'll get it for a fraction of the normal price.

Try The 10-Day Fast Soup Detox Out On Me

I'm a firm believer in "you get what you pay for"...

And I know from my own personal experience that I like to try things out to make sure they work first...

Which is why...

You DON'T have to decide right now.

Simply try out the 10-Day Fast Soup Detox for the next 60 days...

And if you aren't 100% satisfied at any time, for any reason at all...

Just let me know and you'll receive a full and prompt refund with no questions asked.

That means you can do through the plan up to 6 times...

And if you still haven't gotten the results you want...

Then you pay nothing.

My 3x "Super Satisfaction" Guarantee To You

Guarantee #1: This Works At ANY Age

We've all been told that it's so much harder to lose weight as you get older, however...

My experience has been the exact opposite.

I weigh way less now than I did in high school over 30 years ago...

And throughout the past year...

I've helped women and men in their late 30's...

All the way up to their mid 80's...

Which just goes to show...

Soup doesn't discriminate.

It works at any age...

Any physical condition...

Whether you're a man or a woman...

No matter how much weight you have to lose.

Guarantee #2: This Plan Is Simple and Easy

There are MILLIONS of diet plans out there, which is why...

Most "experts" try to make there's seem unique by adding all these different rules, however...

All that does is confuse people even more.

He's my one promise to you...

This plan is extremely simple and easy to follow.

If you know how to read, you can follow this plan.

There's no complicated rules...

No confusing guidelines...

Just a simple soup protocol that works like crazy when you stick with it.

Guarantee #3: No Hunger, No Cravings, No Temptations

Most weight loss programs fail because they severely limit your calories...

Which only leaves you hungry...


With intense cravings...

That are so strong, you eventually have no choice but to give in.

My promise to you is...

You will not be hungry when you follow this protocol...

You won't go to bed starving...

You won't be skipping meals...

You'll be full, satisfied and content...

While your belly fat starts melting off faster than ever.

Flash Sale! Limited Copies of the 10-Day Fast Soup Detox Available at This Heavily Discounted Price -- Hurry!

My ultimate goal is to have the 10-Day Fast Soup Detox on the New York Times bestseller list...

And in bookstores all across the world...

However, that costs A LOT of money...

And honestly, I don't want to wait that long to start helping people like you.

That's why I decided to have a special sale on the digital copy of the 10-Day Fast Soup Detox...

That way you can get it at a tiny fraction of the regular price, and...

You'll receive instant access to the entire program...

Along with all 5 bonuses...

So you can start using it RIGHT NOW...

To flatten your belly...

Burn off raw, stubborn fat...

And completely transform your body and your life...

Right here, right now.

But hurry...

Because this huge discount will not be available for long...

So if you have any interest at all...

Lock in your savings right now before you forget.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

$69 $15

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The Risk Of Waiting: "I Gained 12lbs Last Month"

Unfortunately, despite hearing from those who got amazing results...

There are always people who "wait until tomorrow" to take their health seriously.

And when I hear from those people, it's never good.

They keep pushing it off day after day...

Because they have more important things going on...

Like one woman, who wanted to get started a month ago, but decided that she didn't have time...

...only to email me in a desperate panic after she gained 12lbs over the past month.

Luckily, you can make a different choice right here, right now.

You can be the person who is tired of settling, tired of living with belly fat, and tired of getting silently judged by your friends, family and even complete strangers...

Or you can "keep waiting" and push it off another week, or two, or three.

As your belly gets bigger, your thighs get thicker, and your cellulite deeper.

The choice is yours.

I've Tried Dozens of Diets, Why Would This One Actually Work?

Here's a little secret...

Most "diets" are just extreme ways to cut back on calories...

So you temporarily lose weight in the short term...

But since it isn't sustainable for more than a few days or weeks...

All the weight eventually comes back on because no one can "diet" forever.

And that's why this is different.

It's not a "diet".

It's a way of eating that you can sustain for as long as you want...

Because with this plan, you'll actually feel full and satisfied every single day.

When your head hits the pillow at night, your stomach will NOT be rumbling like it does on my "diets"...

You won't be hangry all the time...

Daydreaming about eating "real food".

And since these soups do have carbs...

You won't have to worry about gaining weight when you add carbs back into your diet (which is what happens with most plans).

Plus, will all the FREE bonus programs you get here today...

You'll have A TON of variety...

So you won't get bored eating the same thing over and over again.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

$69 $15

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If You're Frustrated or Stuck With Your Weight Then It's a Clear Sign to Try Something New

Look, I know we covered a lot of information today…

However, right now, you’re at a crossroads…

And you only have 2 options.

Option #1 is you can take everything you learned here today...

And try to figure it out on your own.

You can research all the best fat-burning ingredients...

That are packed with glutathione...

Omega 3's...

And chromium...

Figure out how to turn them into soups that actually taste good...

Then plan out the rest of your meals day in and day out..

And pray that what you're doing is actually going to get you the results you desire.

However, that's a lot of work, and...

If that really was the case...

Then wouldn't have done it already?

If you knew all the answers...

Then wouldn't you have figured out how to lose all your belly fat a long time ago?

The truth is...

Life will probably get in the way like it always does...

Things will come up that are "more important"...

And your weight and your health will get put on the back burner like usual.

Option #2 is you can take the easy way out..

Take all the hard work that I've already done over the past few years of trial and error...

And use it to get the body of your dreams...

With a flat and firm belly to match...

In just minutes a day...

Eating delicious, satisfying soups designed specifically to burn belly fat.

Honestly, you probably have most of the ingredients in your pantry and fridge right now...

And since this program is 100% digital...

You could be making these fat-burning soups for dinner tonight...

And by the time you wake up tomorrow morning...

Already be down a pound or two...

Maybe even more...

Without much effort on your part.

So if you want to take the noble and easy way out...

While possibly adding decades onto your life...

So your kids and grandkids have even more time to spend with you making memories that’ll last a lifetime…

Then simply click the “Add to Cart” button below and I’ll be there waiting on the inside, ready to personally help you.

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This $50 Discount Ends Soon

As a small business who's competing against the big food companies...

Along with other health brands that spend millions of dollars on infomercials...


And have much deeper pockets that little old me...

The truth is, I can't keep this discount up forever.

So if you have any desire to finally get rid of the weight that's been killing your self-confidence...

Keeping you covered up in baggy sweatshirts...


And unsexy, oversized clothes all year round...

Then take advantage of your $50 off discount while you still can...

So you can start showing off your new flatter, sexier stomach...

So you can start buying cute, fashionable clothes...

And so you can finally have the confidence and the energy to do everything you've always wanted to do...

This fast soup detox is different than anything else you've tried before.

Which is why it's going to work for you when everything else you've tried has ultimately failed...

Just click the button below to get it.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

I appreciate it more than you'll ever know.

To your new healthy and vibrant life,


Here Are the Most Common Questions About the 10-Day Fast Soup Detox

Question: Am I too old for this to work?

Answer: Absolutely not!

This new slimming soup ritual has worked wonders for women and men in their mid 30's...

All the way up to their late 80's.

That's because soup doesn't care about your age...

If you have extra fat on your body that you'd like to burn off...

Without doing a ton of exercise or starving yourself skinny...

The easiest and fastest way to do it is with these new soups...

That fill up your belly on fewer calories...

So your body has no choice but to start burning the excess fat off your body.

It doesn't matter if you're 41, 64, or 89...

It works no matter your age.

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Question: How much weight can I expect to lose over the 10 days?

Answer: That really depends on how closely you follow the program...

How consistent you are...

And how much weight you have to lose.

While I can't guarantee anything...

Most people lose between 5 and 15 pounds over the first ten days...

And then if you keep going...

You can lose an extra 20, 30, even 40 or more pounds after that.

It all comes down to how consistent you are, and...

It's pretty easy to stick with this program, because...

You just have to remember to eat the soups!

Question: Do I need to buy a bunch of expensive organic foods to get started?

Answer: Not at all.

In fact, I didn't use any organic foods when I lost all my weight.

Sure, organic foods are nice, however...

They are not necessary.

Question: What happens after I click the “Add to Cart” button?

Answer: Once you click the “Add to Cart” button below, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form page.

Once you enter in your information, you’ll receive instant and immediate access to the entire 10-Day Fast Soup Detox program, along with all the free bonuses.

You can download all the manuals to your computer, tablet, or phone so you can use them as often as you like.

This is a one-time only investment in yourself  and you will never be billed again.

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Question: How does your money back guarantee work?

Answer: I'm a firm believer that you get what you pay for, and so...

If you go through the entire Fast Soup Detox program...

And it doesn't exceed your expectations...

Or if it's just not a good fit for you...

Then just let me know and you'll get a full and prompt refund with no questions asked.

That way, if it doesn't work for you, you pay nothing.

Question: I'm ready to do this! How do I get started?

Answer: Yes! That's awesome!

I'm excited for you to get started.

The first step is to click the “Add to Cart” button below, enter in your information in our 100% secure order form, and you’ll receive instant access to the entire 10-Day Fast Soup Detox program.

Plus a Quick Start Guide that will tell you exactly how to get started toward your new slim and sexy body starting right now without any confusion…

And with our 60-day 100% money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and an exciting, youthful life to gain.

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1. “"Why Getting Rid of Belly Fat May Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk",,20188164,00.html

2. “NIH study shows how insulin stimulates fat cells to take in glucose”

3. “Insulin and insulin resistance”

4. “Though obesity, type 2 diabetes , heart disease or any other disease ARE physical illnesses - they ALL have a spiritual side”

5. "Stress hormone in the body causes you to put on more weight, makes you insulin resistant and can even destroy your metabolic health.

6. “Comfort food ingestion that produces abdominal obesity”

7. “Detox diets for toxin elimination and weight management: a critical review of the evidence.”



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ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Individual Results can vary person to person and testimonials in this presentation are not claimed to represent standard or typical results. All testimonials shown are real life people and may not reflect the average buyer's experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone who buys will experience the same or similar results to those shown in the testimonials. The experiences shown in the sales video and sales letter from other people may not reflect the typical users' experience because everyone is unique.  Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth is most people never take action with the products they purchase online, so most of the time the typical results for losing weight weight loss is zero. The ability to follow through with the program plays a big factor. As the saying goes, you get what you put into it.  The results that are shown in video presentation and sales letter are meant to show you what the most motivated 10-Day Fast Soup Detox users have experienced. The truth is that most men and women who strictly follow the program may lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week. Also, as with all things you should take the time to do your own research and 

The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis.

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